Carpet Cleaning Methods - Steam or Dry Cleaning?


How are your carpets faring with all the wear and tear - is it time for you to take some action? You need to make sure that you get started with the cleaning as soon as possible. There are several factors which you need to consider before hiring the ideal carpet cleaning company.


Even if you vacuum your carpets regularly, it sometimes won't be enough as your expensive rugs will still become worn out. Time will always be a factor and because of that, you will see stains and spots start to appear on your carpets. It will begin to smell bad as well, not matter how much you put into Carpet Cleaning Melbourne. The carpet will still remain the same no matter how much effort you put in.


Of course, this is the point when you will have to hire professionals to clean your carpet. You will be able to select from a number of cleaning methods for your expensive rugs that will surely erase all your troubles away. Before you know it, they will definitely look as good as new. So what method would best be able to clean your carpet?


Deep Cleaning Procedures


Dry cleaning and steam cleaning are among the most common methods of deep cleaning there are. You should be aware about the advantages that each method has over the other. If you want to know how to deep clean a carpet, you may refer to the site at for it.


For the steam cleaning method, a contraption or cleaning machine is usually used when spraying the detergent all over the carpet. Of course, that is not the only machine that is involved. This other contraption is used to spray high pressure hot water into the carpets causing all the embedded particles of dirt and dust to be removed. A wet vacuum is them used to soak up most of the water that is present in the carpet.


Another method that a professional Carpet Cleaner Melbourne uses is dry cleaning which also happens to be called bonnet cleaning. This method works much in the same way as the other cleaning techniques used by other professionals. When performing this method, cleaners don't usually apply the shampoo directly on the carpet. Instead bonnet cleaners first dip the rugs in carbonated water. The whole surface of the carpet is then run over after that.


The machines that are needed for both methods can actually be found in your local hardware store. Even though you are able to buy the machines whenever you want, you still need to make sure that this type of cleaning is done by a professional as much as possible. This is because professionals are way more experienced at the job than you are, and they also have the ideal cleaning solutions and technology to make use of.